Matauri X Incorporation was formed in 1966 when 19 blocks of land were amalgamated. They comprised 554.7 hectares. At the time the 189 landowners were allocated shares in exchange for the land at valuation after the deduction of rate arrears. There were originally 6,024 shares issued. One block (ICI) was withdrawn and there are now 5893.9 shares on issue to 523 shareholders and 18 whānau trusts. The purpose of the incorporation was to enable the land to be:
‘more economically or conveniently worked or dealt with because it was held in common ownership’.
The land was incorporated on 7 March 1967 under the original Māori Affairs Act 1953 Section 271. The land is subject to Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 and the Far North District Planning Scheme, which provides a number of development options.
The original objects of the incorporation are as follows:
To occupy and manage as a farm the land or any portion of the land proposed to be vested in the body corporate and to carry on any agricultural or pastoral business thereon.
To use the land or any part thereof for the growing of timber, to engage in the felling and marketing of timber, to establish and carry on timber mills, to engage in any other operations for the production, utilisation, or sale of timber, or to grant licences to cut and recover timber.
To engage in coal mining or other mining operations on the land or to grant leases or licences for the production of coal or other minerals.
To arrange for the alienation by sale, lease or otherwise of the land or of any portion thereof.
To carry on the business of shopkeepers, hotelkeepers (whether licensed or unlicensed), motel proprietors, motor camp proprietors and owners of travel courts, lodges, meeting houses and other accommodation whether residential or likewise, including all types of businesses required to be licensed under the Sale of Liquor Act 1962, and for those purposes to build and acquire any buildings.
To develop the resources of the land or any part thereof by building, reclaiming, clearing, draining and otherwise improving, subdividing, roading, planting, working deposits of stone, metal or minerals, providing water on any terms which may be considered advisable, and for those purposes to obtain any consents, give any bonds, employ any persons and otherwise do all things necessary or expedient to carry out such objects.
To permit the Committee of Management to grant licences to shareholders and Maori and to the Housing Corporation and other agencies of the purposes of providing housing for shareholders and Maori.
New additions were made to the 1989 in 2006 (by the insertion of Object 8) as follows:
8.(a) The power and authority to borrow all monies necessary to settle the claims by Bridgecorp Finance Ltd and Instant Funding Ltd, notwithstanding that the original claims by Bridgecorp and Instant Funding were subject to legal challenge and nor that they were ultra vires the powers and objects of the incorporation prior to amendments.
8.(b) To enter into a settlement agreement with Bridgecorp Finance Ltd and Instant Funding Ltd on the terms set out in the attached settlement agreement dated 19 December 2005 and to do all things necessary to give effect to the said settlement agreement.
8.(c) The power to enter into, execute and ratify any securities and in particular any mortgage securities over the land owned by the incorporation in favour of Bridgecorp Finance Ltd and Instant Funding Ltd, whether for the preservation of the land or otherwise.
The southern coastline is subject to a wahitapu reserve known as Matauri 1G.
The main beach and northern headland are subject to a recreation and access reserve set aside for the common use and benefit of all the people of New Zealand. This reserve is known as Mangawhai ki Putataua.
There are three urupa namely, Te Tou o Taki, Whakamuhu and Waiaua.
The two tauranga waka places, Matauri 1H6 and Matauri 1H7 were set aside by 1915. They were in one title and designated Māori Whenua Reserves and marked on ML 10029, when their locations were fixed by Tira Haare [Neke] and Hohepa Hamiora [Te Waoku Ho] and other locals. Each landing was 16 perches with 32 owners with equal but undefined shares. In early times, the waka were drawn very high up onto the land out of reach of storms [H Toms].
Various attempts to remove this designation, [the FNDC had the wrong owners], shift the location and sell were made in the 1970's. An adjoining land owner blocked use in the 1980's. In 1977, the reserves were gazetted at the instigation of Shepard Toms, when nine trustees were appointed by the MLC, and the two tauranga waka reserves were set apart for the use of the owners and others entitled to the whenua. In 1984 Matauri 1H6 and IH7 were designated Māori Freehold Whenua.
In 1992, the coastal whenua was amazingly gifted to the nation to become a public esplanade reserve.
Wai 1040, #A67 Matauri 1875-2000's BY ANTHONY PĀTETE
Be sure to read Chapter 5 in this link. INTERESTING READ...
Chapter Five – The creation of Matauri X Incorporation and its management, 1966-1990s ............................................................................. 361