Rainbow Warrior

After the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior in 1985 in Auckland, the Rainbow Warrior was towed north from Auckland on 2 December 1987. The Rainbow Warrior's final resting place is in Matauri Bay alongside Panaki in the Cavalli Islands. It has become a living reef, attracting marine life and recreational divers.

The idea was first proposed by the New Zealand Underwater Association. It seemed a fitting end for a ship that had spent its time protecting the marine environment. Home to a complex ecosystem, the Rainbow Warrior has become a popular dive destination. The propeller is placed on an artistic sculpture by Chris Booth on top of Matauri hill.

An annual maintenance schedule is in progress that involves three organisations to assist with regular work and checks required on the track. They are the Rainbow Warrior Trust, the Department of Conservation and the Matauri X Incorporation. Discussions are ongoing.