LTO Arrangement Under Review
Site 17 - LTO Review
Site 13 - LTO Review
Site 11 and 18 require new LTO's considering the authorised occupants are now deceased.
Black: Existing dwellings
Blue: Proposed A Sites - suitable for building
Yellow: Requires Engineering Investigation
Pink: LTO Holders
Current LTO Holders
Site 9 - LTO Holder
Site 10 - LTO Holder
Site 11 - LTO Holder [deceased]
Site 12 - LTO Holder
Site 13 - LTO Holder
Site 18 - LTO Holder
A brief description
Site 2 - The landscape assessment recommended that this 'hill' be left undeveloped and landscaped.
Site 17 has a large shed on it that is occupied and should be one of the first to develop. The balance of the 'A' sites 4, 14-16 are reasonably easy to develop. These sites have areas between 700m2 and 1200 and are based on Council's standards for Sewered sites in the Coastal Residential Zone. It is anticipated that these sites will be provided with a sewer connection to the new treatment plant. Sites 5-8 are shown as 'B' sites and would be developed at a later stage as they are low lying and will require an engineering investigation and filling prior to applying for a building permit. There are 2 illegal dwellings that are occupied in this area and are shown as Sites 19 and 20.
The development of any sites in this area will require the installation of connections to the treatment plant together with the on-site collection system.
Access to the new sites will need to be upgraded to Council's requirements.